If no one is doing anything nowadays to keep themselves busy, then that person ain't gonna get that far later in their lives and their confidence level will decrease before they know it.
I, the other hand, try to do the opposite by increasing it up.
That pretty much the sole reason on why I haven't been here for the first half of this month. Probably ever since I started working for my uncle last month, my schedule has been constantly booked up for weeks by going to a different event taking photos every now and then. Some of those events were planned on my own outside of my uncle's business.
Last week, I drove to Monterey Park to see my buddies' ex-co worker who he introduced me to a few months ago at the Kardashian sister's Virgins, Saint's and Angles jewelry release at Kitson. We became friends after staying in touch with her afterwards and I wanted to do a photoshoot of her. So I did that and then she took me to The Shops at Montebello, which I've never been to. Its a decent mall, kinda like the South Bay Galleria without the third story. Plus, this is the only mall that I've seen so far that has an FYE and a Raider Image store in the same building. The food court looked nice, but the sbarro there didn't even have Cheese Pizza when I wanted to get a slice over there. What the hell? So I just got large French Fries from the Carl's Jr instead just to keep it low. After that, she wanted to get something to feast on also, so we went to iHOP, which is know as the International House of Pancakes, near her house. I haven't ate at that place ever since the day my pops got his '05 E320 Mercedes Benz two years ago. She hooked me up with some pancakes and she got herself some late breakfast. Finally, we went to a park near her place to take some photos of her. I ended the day by driving to my cousin's house in Mid-City to watch a wedding rehearsal there cause one of my family members was getting married the following weekend, not at a church or a courthouse, but at the house where they were practicing the ceremony at. In other words, the entire wedding and reception was gonna be there, but I'll get to that later. Before I went to do the photoshoot and the wedding practice, I had to give my friend Suzette a lift to her job, and I had to deliver some photos to a friend of mine who I also met at the Kardashian's in-store appearance at Kitson.
That's pretty much how every day or every other day has been like, just driving around alot and taking care of stuff. I remember spending the first half of 2009 not being able to do anything like that aside from going to classes at Pierce College every night. I didn't have my own computer during that period cause I sold my black Macbook for financial reasons, and my cell phone camera was my only source of photography cause this was when it was starting, or has already started to get a stable job, and I couldn't be able to obtain one within those months. I remember having this one German lady in her 40's that my moms hooked me up with back in around October or November 2008 who came to my house one day and told me that she was gonna hook me up with a position at one of the Target stores near my house. Things were getting great until I was informed that they were gonna transfer me to someone else, which happened to be a younger woman who looks very similar to Tina Fey, because they had to lay off the previous lady, which sucks. That put me out of contention from my application process at Target all the way back to base one, where I have to re-write all my information and resumes for her so that she can distribute them to different places that are hiring.
I gotta give her some major props for her hustle though, even though things didn't work out between us. Out of all the places she went to distribute my resumes at, half of them called us for an interview and none of them didn't hire me. We even had a meeting about this with her and her boss, who I thing is a conservative jerk who should teach special education instead of treating his employees like they're in special education (hey, its the truth). The meeting was very uninteresting. Hell, it was so uninteresting, that I walked out in the middle of it and went home, cause all he asked me was why wasn't hired at those jobs? Now, I don't even know why he had to ask me that. He could've gone through my previous job records and called the places where I had the interviews to find out and tell me why I wasn't hired at those places. That what his job is supposed to do, to get those people who are un-employed HIRED AND WORKING STABLE JOBS, not just bullshit ass interviews. To me, employers can care MUCH LESS on how well the job-seeker dresses in his Italian suit, or how many big words the job-seeker uses in his answers. They really look at background checks and credit scores to see if that person has either killed someone in the past or from their judgment if they think that person won't be the right for the position, regardless on how well he does in the interview, even if its a perfect 10. That to me is probably the only reason why there aren't that many people unemployed or not working right now. The economic recession has impacted many people emotionally and physically, and they're doing what ever they can to stay active as they're no longer working. Some people even max out their credit cards by paying off their bank loans with money they don't fucking have, which is what cause the whole economy to go in a tailspin, and jobs won't hire anyone they can't trust.
I admit, there's shit I still have to cover and pay off. I could've driven a better automobile or live at my own, or bought a different smartphone every month that came out if I had, or maintain for a lack of a better word, a stable job, and plus, I'd be talking to my parents much more. Honestly, I didn't think that the job market was gonna get worse when I left the Sherman Oaks Apple store back in May 2008. I thought I was gonna work at a different place within a month after I left, but I didn't happen as the unemployment rate started to expand. The job market was so serious during that time, that I've seen former CEOs of small companies applying at fast food restaurants last year, which is sad to look at. Nowadays, you have to know somebody who knows someone that can get you a spot at some retail store at a mall or anywhere which is listed in the Fortune 500.
But aside from job searching during that time, I did whatever I can to stay active around that period. I had a gig by doing some post production at a photographer's house since he never used Final Cut Pro before. I was very fortunate to work with him since he payed me to get by during those days. I had my car towed in Simi Valley, which is the last place to get your car towed at, for having expired tags back in March 2009 since they expired in August 2008, which is my fault cause I didn't pay it on time, and I got stopped by the police many times which is for no fucking reason. I wasn't easy then, along with my pop's new wife who just came here that time living with him in the states and myself and the rest of the world getting used to a guy in his 40's running the country for the first time since John F. Kennedy did back in the 1960s. At the end, all I can say that all that stress has lead me to where I'm at right now, at a perfect position in my life right now with greater confidence and desire to excel more.
Finally, shoutout to Augustine and her new husband Shay Armstrong, who I met only once last year, on getting hitched last Sunday. I missed the wedding ceremony cause I was taking photos at an Omarion performance (dude's a celebrity, and I take pictures of famous people) inside Westfield Culver City mall, which is still Fox Hills mall to me. I managed to make it to the reception that was also at my uncle's house, where did the wedding at. I wish them the best in their marital life together. Another shoutout to Pearl Rios for letting me do the photoshoot of and for the free pancakes last week.
By the way, my little sister started the 11th grade yesterday. Yes, her FALL semester in the middle of August, which is the SAME EXACT FUCKING WEEK summer school is usually supposed to end. I gave up on the LAUSD ever since my brother started his senior year back in September 2009, or since I graduated high school for that matter. But hey, nothing is easy nowadays. People gotta make drastic moves and challenge themselves in order to get by in life, especially at this time.