Aw shit....
For the past 4 and a half days I was up in the Antelope Valley without access to the internet, although I admit, I did swing by the Best Buy in Palmdale to check my Myspace but that doesn't count and I was on borrowed time. When I got home yesterday morning, first thing I did was I went to the upstairs computer in my house, checked as always and I saw this....
immediately I was like "WHAT THE HELL?!?! WE'RE GONNA DEAL WITH HIM DOING THIS TYPE OF SHIT FOR 3 MORE YEARS?" I mean the guy has a young looking wife in Michelle Obama and two girls in Sasha and Malia for crying out loud. Plus he's a MAJOR influence to young African-American males out there who have never had a father or a male figure in their lives. Next thing is that he'll be investigated for having a collection of belts up at Camp David (black people know what I meant). If he were to do this "White House Beer Summit" he really didn't need the damn press to do this. He shoud've done it on Air Force One so that he can have his own "Mile High Summit". If this was an exclusive shot, then that paparazzo or photographer would've made a sick fortune if he sold that print to People or a Scandanavian tabloid publishing group.
I mean really, this is very unncessary. First he fucked up at the inaguration with the pastor having to swore him in again inside the White House the following week. Next, he goes out on dates with Michelle to public theaters in New York. I mean, looked what happened with Abraham Lincoln at the Ford Theatre back in 1865, and they have a Theater inside the White House. Then he swatted a fly on live TV which pissed off the People for the Ethical Treatmeant of Animals or PeTA for short. But they didn't put too much heat on Barack cause he's the President. To make things more ludacris and dangerous, Vice-President Joe Biden was involved in this summit. According to the constitution, the rules states that the President and Vice President cannot be in the same area at the same time unless if it were the State of the Union, at a funeral for a death of a former President, or if they're indoors at some secret undisclosed location inside the White House, cause anything can happen. I don't like to freak y'all out, but there are sneaky people in this place and they are very patient.
One last thing I have to say is that I hope every black church, or just EVERY church for that matter, better pray to have God stay by his side so that he can make positive and adequate decisions in the next three years. The White House is a fish bowl and every country, including Russia and his native country of Kenya, is watching every next motive he does. Yes it's his first year as the leader of the free word and yes he's made some rookie mistakes since January, but just like he "changed" America, he needs to change his old motives by eliminating the Alcohol, otherwise strip clubs and theme parks would be selling Bud Lights and Dos Equis, and he should pull in a lot of weight to get this country back on track without any distractions. I mean come on, "beer summits"? It's August right now. It's summer. Save that for a trip to Boston's Cheers bar in October or St. Patricks Day.
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