Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Revelation

You know what? Not only did we make Contact, but I'm fed up with this shit.

Why make a huge hype over a "New Years Day"? Is it because Bono and his bandmates from Dublin made a song about it in the 1980s? Is it because those in the east coast would be "squares" if they didn't countdown the "times" that they endured the past 365 days of their life?

It's just basically a Hallmark holiday, or in this case, a "Rockin' Dick Clark" holiday.

To me, it's just another regular day, just like any other Thank-You-God-For-this- day. We wake up alive and go on with our normal day and do it again the next 23 hours, 6 days, 29, days, 364 days. A year is a unit of measurement. Hell if people are so amped up for this, why don't they drop the ball every morning in New York. It'll scare off the criminals and the drug dealers with the confetti and explosions on a day-to-day basis, reducing crime in the big apple. Oh wait, there's already something like that...the gavel and the opening bell at Wall Street.

I would've say this for any other year this past decade, but because how this year turned out with disastrous proportions, I'll play along for a bit.

First off in all seriousness, I would like to thank my LORD (there's a reason why its capitalized, read the King James Version) for keeping me alive up to my feet and putting me where I'm at right now. I was born a Christian and raised with Christian values, otherwise if I wasn't, then I wouldn't be writing this portion of the paragraph. Some people take what they were though and then double check as soon as they become a legal adult once they have they right to make their own decisions. Usually heavy work and school and peer pressure get in the way which makes the person drift away from their Spiritual Guidance, or just completely stopped attending church. I missed more days of church this second half of the decade than I ever had from the first half. I'll do my best to keep attending just for a relief of all the stuff from that particular week. I was gonna say it not gonna be easy, but it actually is. Just attend and that's it. No excuses.

I'm also gonna continue to not drink alcohol and not smoke cigarettes or cigars or use any substance and types of drugs. This past year, I've been viewed and labled by many authorities, including the California Highway Patrol and the security at Khloe Kardashian's and Lamar Odom's wedding, as a person who would partake in that sort of shit, even though I NEVER have done those things before in my life. I had to go to 4 different courthouses in Los Angeles county at least twice this year, something that I didn't see coming. This is gonna sound really childish but does anyone remember being in the D.A.R.E program back in grade school? Aside from the free T-shirts ( I had 5 of them) being in that program is like talking to that father from the post Baby Boom era who tell you what to do and he'll beat your ass with his belt or a broomstick if you disobeyed him by doing stuff that can and will harm your body. Let me put it in adult terms, Dazed and Confused, Half-Baked and Pineapple Express are JUST MOVIES. Its not real life.

I would like to thank my family for....just about everything. I'm very fortunate to still reside with both my parents at their houses while I turned 21 this year, cause most parents will throw their kids out once they become legal or the kids will throw themselves out. Plus I also thank God for surviving me through a year of having another woman living with my pops and I. She cost me my friendship with a friend of mine who's a model that I met when I was at Pierce. When my pops got remarried after Barack won the election, my frustration offended my friend, and that was the last time I saw her, and this was a year ago. You love to continue living your life, but you have to endure the pain that gets in the way at your own home, therefore, Pain is Love.

Finally I didn't plan on doing this, but I wanna give a large shoutout for those who made this treacherous year for myself as bright as the girl from Little Miss Sunshine (don't know why I just said that)

-Joseph Harris
-Matt Sun
-the white family in West Hills that gave me 70 dollars and free pizza back in January to help move their stuff
-Laker fans
-Ceed Security Services (for the PayChex's)
-Erotica LA (yes I said it)

and the rest I can't think of right now.

In closing, I leave with a thought I made up for the 2010 that many people surely take for granted in the past.

"Don't let the New Year become great for 52 weeks. Make it great and look back at it 52 weeks later."

Thank you for your time. May God bless you throughout the rest of your lives, and have a great excellent unforgetful Twenty Ten.

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