Chris Benoit. Chris Brown.
What the hell do both of these two have in common?
Sure, they have the same first name. Sure, they did stuff we didn't even see coming. The only difference between both of them is that one of them lost for good and the other just got lucky, even though I don't believe in luck.

Its already been three years to this day that Chris Benoit has had is life taken away, which happened to be himself taking his own life later on as the murder investigation started to progress. I was coming home from a night class that year when I found out about this. I stopped watching pro-wrestling a few years prior to this point. It wouldn't make sense to watch it if the results of the show were posted just hours before the show was broadcast live or in days advance if it was taped, and plus, that lets me know if that said show was gonna be decent or not. I'm surprised the pro-wrestling companies aren't doing anything to stop the so called "Internet Wrestling Community", an online organization that give news and headlines on the performers, the business itself and events outside of pro-wrestling storylines and angles. More like "Access Hollywood" meets the "Squared Circle"
Usually I'd found out about this headline the day after, but when I got inside my house, the living room TV for some odd reason had a live (pre-taped for the westcoast) telecast of Monday Night Raw showing, only that it showed a bunch of the performers giving their condolences and paying tribute to Benoit. Probably my little brother was watching it since he's into that show alot more than I was when I was his age, 15, that time. I was like "WHAT THE FUCK?!" as soon as I saw that. Shocked the hell out of me. Then I remember going to my Black Macbook later and getting mad e-mails about this (this was one week before I got a Facebook for the very first time) . Shit was insane, and it got more insane when they said that Benoit has done Steroid abuse (this was the media's own words I'm using), which then turned into a double murder-suicide which was announced all in 24 hours. That caused people from missing him to dissing him (sounds cheap, but I had to say that)
Honestly aside from all the negative bullshit, Benoit was one of most entertaining performers that I've liked back when I used to watch this shit every Monday and Thursday night. Hell, I even rode my bike all the way to the Best Buy in Porter Ranch in the rain just to buy his DVD back when it came out in November 2004. Unfortunately, I traded it at GameStop (back when I liked it) two weeks later for a Playstation 2 title that I forgot the name of. That DVD was the best I've ever seen, definitely worth the $25 despite the fact the I got it for 5 dollars off. Now that disc is hard to find, with eBay obviously the only option to obtain it.
Alright, enough talking about a man who uses his fists that 15 year old high school males liked. Now here's one about a man who uses his fists that 15 year old high school females kinda, sorta like.

I didn't see the BET Awards last night, and I'm glad I didn't since I don't watch awards shows and that much television anymore. When I read todays entertainment headlines about the show, they were focusing on Chis Brown's performance that he did in honor of the late Michael Jackson more than the winners of that night, which I could care WAY less about even if Taylor Swift won at least one BET Award or not. How many more times are we gonna hear about this motherfucker? I understand that he's trying to get back to his career and getting more respect from his fans and shit. I've said this many times on here and I no choice but to remind everyone here...
Yes, I know it was over a year that the whole incident happened and that Chris Brown did all the community work services that the judge made him do to cover the charges. I really wish this whole thing was staged just for a publicity stunt to boost up their album sales, which it wasn't but it did boost album sales unfortunately. Then according to the headline, it then said that Brown broke out some waterworks (that's crying if you don't know that much slang) as he tried to continued his Michael Jackson Tribute performance. Yeah, enough said.
So this is where I'm getting at right now. Recently, award shows are being used as a showcase for celebrities and stars and and other notable names who has done some crazy, illegal, divorce-type shit that has gotten so much TMZ-style media tabloid attention, that it causes them to go on a sabbatical for at least half a year, or a year, or just a really long damn time. Then come the Oscar, Emmys, Teen Choice Awards, singing the National Anthem (Jennifer Hudson is an exception to this since her situation is far extreme than anything else) or any type of nationally televised event waiting to get exposure and ratings, which is that person's chance to come clean and apologize to the rest of the world. If this is the case, then I want Plaxico Burress to come down to the field at Super Bowl XLV, sing the national anthem (which will be terrible) and say that he's sorry for blowing his damn foot off in the club or wherever he was, and then I'll forgive him. Also that would be great for the Fox Network's publicity and ratings, since its their turn to air the Super Bowl this upcoming season.
But back to Chris Brown.... actually, let's not get back to him. I've said enough about him already. If he'd punched a regular girl in his Lamborghini on that night back in February 2009 and tried to get his celebrity status back, then that I can ease off that. Again, THIS IS RHIANNA HE ABUSED. If you're not where I'm getting at, watch Rhianna in person. I'm talking front-row-close-to-the-stage-of-the-Key-Club view, not all-the-way-from-the-top-of-the-Irvine-Spectrum view. That bitch is TOO fine in person, before she got that strange red hair cut that even a crack-addict stripper in Reseda Blvd would get, even if she is sober.
So there's my difference between Benoit and Brown, whether you hate one of each (which I'm sure half of you do) and you defend the other (which I'm sure the other half of you do). One can make you shout in the ring and the other one can make you go head over heels in an appearance on 106 and Park.
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