Now in the last post I typed, I said that I was gonna go to Amoeba Records in Hollywood to check out fine ass Lana Del Rey doing an appearance in person there.
But apparently, I had second thoughts after I saw THIS SHIT!!!


Never in the 7 years that I've been shopping there for vinyl LP's and out of print VHS home videos have I ever seen this store in full capacity where it was 10 people over the fire code, just like one of the overrated clubs just up the street on Hollywood Blvd every Saturday Night, which I'll get to later. I've seen two other performances there before and the crowd was just about a tenth of the madness from yesterday. Even the Stevie Nicks meet and greet that I covered there last summer wasn't that bizarre. I was actually gonna cop the record cause I had the money for it, and for her to sign it. I'm not really a fanatic of her, especially with that surprising unorthodox voice she has, but the girl has a body. Its one of those "post war baby boomers girlfriends who would date greasers cruisin' on Van Nuys Boulevard" type chicks that she is,and you don't see that much of them anymore. But yesterday was just too insane. I mean, no disrespect to the very great, underrated staff at Amoeba, and I said this in the previous post, but HOW IN THE FUCK CAN YOU SELL OUT AN AUTOGRAPH SESSION? Does that mean the record was sold out and not everyone there got a chance to touch her shoulder doing a cell phone camera photo-op with her? I'm gonna check out the Billboard 200 next week and hopefully that and her appearance on Saturday Night Live should put her in the top 3 of the charts at least.
Allright, enough of that shit. Let's get on to the weekend recap.
Spent the whole Friday evening at the DLT's. Was originally gonna stop by there the night before cause it was the homegirl and Marlene's daughter Yvonne's 20th birthday, but they already went out to celebrate. So I gave her a 5x7 photo that I took of her and her daughter which I re-edited with Adobe Lightroom 4 beta software. I also brought some balloons as well and the family and I spent the whole blowing them. Even Yvonne's daughter had fun with them. We were also watching the Lakers game that night, yet they lose to the Nuggets at the last second and during that game they were showing shots of Denver Nuggets head Coach George Karl. Wow, he lost a shitload of weight and looks totally different. Maybe it was from the cancer he had a few years ago that caused it. After the game was over, the De La Torre's then let me sleepover for the night and then they took me back to my place. Afterwards, spent the rest of the afternoon typing up the previous blog post until my photography buddy Ryan Castro hits me up and invites me to this birthday party that was taking place at the W in Hollywood.
Later that night, I met up with him there and he wanted me to help him to take some photos of these two Filipina girls that were celebrating their birthday and one of them is moving to Ecuador to teach there for the next few years. I thought the party was gonna be at Drias, which is a nightclub inside the W hotel, but it was actually at an outdoor parlor just above the entrance to the Hollywood and Vine Metro Red Line station. I remember when that whole area of the W hotel was just a big fucking parking lot for the Pantages theater and the other clubs on Hollywood Blvd at least 6 to 7 years ago before they did construction there. The birthday party was decent and jumpin'. Met some of the celebrants friends and took some photographs of them. The outdoor parlor was pretty much a poor man's version of Drias, yet they did have a bar, a DJ playing loud ass music with a video projector screen showing music videos and several attractive females who try hard to look attractive, but other than that, it went well.
Then on Sunday, I woke up at my pops house and decided where I was gonna watch Super Bowl XLVI at. I called about 4 people but none of them couldn't answer. So I decided to watch the game at home like I've every other past even year in 2010, 2008 and 2006, whereas I spent the odd number years watching the Super Bowl at someone's house and I didn't see Super Bowl XLI cause I had to work that day. Also, nobody was home and I had the entire house to myself until my little brother and my pops wife came around the middle of the third quarter. I then shot over to Lee's 4 Cocktails to watch the rest of the fourth quarter and it was just deja fuckin' vu all over again.
That Hail Mary pass had everyone on serious pins and needles during that moment. For reals. I ACTUALLY thought that one of the Patriots receivers was gonna retrieve it in a crowded sea of New York Giants, BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. THAT MOMENT FELT TOO DAMN GREAT! THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS LOSING AT THE SUPER BOWL, AGAIN! I went wild with all the 6 Giants fans there at the bar. I even did the "Tebowing" pose there. Fuck, it felt like I was watching Super Bowl XLII again 4 years ago. Same teams, different year. The last time I was THAT excited was when the Lakers won against the Celtics at Game 7 in the 2010 NBA Finals. That ending of that game and the aftermath of it was really one of the best feelings in the history of the world along with getting your driver's license, making out with the most attractive girl and the reaction after showing your strict traditional parents a straight A report card with a 4.0 GPA. A lot of people I knew hated that game the following Monday. Some said it was fixed and some wanted to see Chad Johnson get a ring so that he can shut the fuck up and get his old name back once and for all. I didn't have hopes for this years game unlike the same previous match up from 2008. New England was the favorite to win that game, but that shit proved every one in Las Vegas wrong, including Birdman from Cash Money Records when he made that $5 Million bet for the Patriots. But losing 5 Million is nothing to him, cause that fool can get that money back by co-signing Nicki Minaj's contract to Vivid Entertainment or some other adult company so that he can get royalties for the productions to use her and her uninteresting music in one of the hardcore sex scenes. In all seriousness, congrats to the New York Giants for getting their 4th Vince Lombardi trophy (which is made by Tiffany and Co.) and I don't see the team repeating for back to back titles, but that's just me since the future isn't written yet. I still think that the Super Bowl from 4 years ago was a lot better than this one cause in their first meeting, the storyline leading up to that game was a lot deeper (Tom Brady's unbeaten streak during the 2007 season and Eli Manning to win the year after his older brother won his).
Another obscure thing about Super Bowl Sunday was that the commercials totally sucked dry this year. The Bud Lights ads were soft and unfunny, Doritos has lost its taste (no pun intended), Audi is still showing the whole world the same message like they did when they introduced the R8 the last time the Giants and Patriots were at the "big dance", the Go ad was the fucking worst that I've seen in the past 6 years dating back to the sexy OG Candice Michelle cameo feature that she starred in, don't get me started on the Coca-Cola ad, I missed out on the Pepsi ad, and I'm glad I did, cause my homeboy Frank and I were invading Twitter during the Super Bowl, and Clint Eastwood's two minute Chrysler ad was creepy as fuck. The only commercials I did like were the new Honda CRV Ferris Bueller ad that I talked about in the previous post, the Acura NSX with Jerry Seinfeld (who's a Porsche connoisseur) and Jay Leno ( who's the biggest car enthusiast that should've spent his retirement hosting the American version of Top Gear instead of returning to the Tonight Show two years ago) and finally the two double feature Adriana Lima ads with Kia and some other company called Telafora. Fuck, I used to totally like this woman, then switched over to Miranda Kerr for a while and now it looks like I got her respect back again. Hopefully, I get to see her for the second time this year. As far as the halftime show? Watch about 30 seconds of it since the NFL Films-type 24fps output of the live broadcast got me by surprise. Now I respect Madonna and her legacy ( I own the original 1986 True Blue LP print with the OG poster) as well as the production and choreography ,but that performance didn't get my appeal. I didn't even know that Cee-Lo's unpredictable fat ass was gonna be at the Super Bowl, and I'm glad I missed out on it.
So that's was my Super Bowl weekend. Like I said, I'm gonna be jam packed busy for the rest of the month. I got a few parties and gatherings to be at and of course I have to focus on getting the Air Jordan IV White/Cements on February 18th. I seriously need to buy those cause of the OG shoebox design, the black tissue paper, and everything behind that sneaker. Another thing I'd like to say is that I finally finished reading the Steve Jobs biography last week. My opinion: GO BUY THE FUCKING BOOK!!! If you own at least two Apple computers and several iPhones, this is a MUST READ. Worth the time to learn about that man's life and you will learn some stuff that you never knew about him. One of the best biographies that I ever read in my life. SO much detail. And finally, Nikon just announced the replacement for the D700, which is called the D800. DAMN, THAT SHIT RIGHT THERE?! So much to discuss, seriously. I might have to talk about it after I get a chance to play with it. Anyway, thanks for your time reading.
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