Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Photographs of Loyola Marymount University

About two weeks ago, I decided to make a visit to my cousin's University in Playa Vista next to LAX Airport. He attends Loyola Marymount University and he just completed his second year there. I was working at LAX that day and since I was in the area, I figured I paid him a visit since I've never been inside there before.

It took me a while to find a parking spot there. Then later I met up with him and he showed me around the campus. This place is very nice. Its just as big as UCLA and it all the way on top of a hill over looking Mairna Del Rey and Playa Del Rey, in the same sense as Dodger Stadium is at the top of Chavez Ravine. Also, the university is high tech. My cousin told me that you have to enter your phone number at the parking lot ticket machine so that you'll be sent a text message telling you about the remaining time left at the parking lot that you paid for. I've never seen that before.

I spent only about a hour there and he was showing me majority of the campus. I checked out his dorm room and his roomates in there, and then he showed me the library which was MASSIVE. It had like four or five floors. The place is really up to date with its buildings and its landscaping. Here are some of the photos I took at LMU:

Here's also a panoramic photo I took from the iPhone which shows most of Playa Del Rey and Marina Del Rey further upwards. 

Just wanted to make this quick post to keep this site relevant. I'm glad Fourth Of July weekend is already in the past. Went to my homegirl Amber's place and just chilled there with her family on that day, which was the only part I liked on Independence Day. I didn't see any fucking fireworks show, and not to sound cynical, but every year there's always a mishap or something gone wrong in every fireworks show. There was an awful one that just happened in Simi Valley last Thursday, and then there was a major fireworks show that went bad in San Diego last year. Hell, the last fireworks show I was at during Independence Day was 7 years ago in Nevada, and that shit ended early cause there explosives were malfunctioning. The part that sucked was that all the family who came to have a good time didn't get to see the fireworks on that day. Like I always say, I fucking hate holidays. Next one is Labor Day which is one of the only few holidays that makes sense to certain people that bust their ass every day making some sort of income. Thanks for your time reading this.

ALSO, HERE ARE SOME SHAMLESS PLUGS TO STAY ON TOP OF MY PHOTOGRAPHY WORK. I got several photos I'm still currently working on and they'll be uploaded on here and my Facebook later this summer.

instagram: @justforsneaks07
Twitter: @justforsneaks
Vine: N/F'n/A (not fucking available)

Also, while viewing photos, please: less likes, more comments. Thanks again.

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