Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tim Middleton Lifestyle Photosession

Recently, a few weeks ago, I did a photoshoot of my friend Tim in around Encino and Lake Balboa. I met him on Twitter around two years ago and then in person a year later at Primitive Shoes and Apparel, which we both have the same interest there among other things like women and sneakers. Its been a while since I did a legit photosession.

The only difference with this session and my previous ones is that these photos were taken with my iPhone 5, because due to my busy schedule, I didn't have time to drive down to Samy's Camera or any other photography store to by some rolls of film for my Nikon N70 camera, which I was originally going to use for this. Anyway, the photos turned out great and it was also great working with Tim on capturing these images of him.

Support and follow up on Tim at these links 

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