well figurtively and literaly speaking however you want to put it.
I spent all of last week up in lame ass Lancaster working straightout everyday. No day offs. This job is not easy. Especially in the middle of the night. I tried my best to stay awake but I always find myself with my eyes closed. I'm talking 8-12 hour shifts. These are shifts the at Pre-med registered Nurses and pro Athletes strive though day after day non-stop. As I'm typing this, I just got through a 12 hour shift last night from 7pm to 7am. And I'm gonna do it again later tonight. A lot has happened last night:
-Some underage white kid wouldn't stop taling to me in his car. His parents were inside the Kmart, yep they have a Kmart up there.
-Some homeless dude who looked like Taylor Swift's father was eating fresh produce and had a shopping cart with him. He was behind the Home Depot next to the Kmart as I was making my rounds. I thought stealing carts was a Van Nuys/North Hollywood thing.
-This one fine hispanic-american lady, who unfortunatley has a daughter with her and the name "Johnny" tatooed on the back of her neck, she and her mother had an argument with the manager of Kmart. That fool looked EXACTLY like Steve Nash's long lost brother. I had to go in and help settle the dispute. Dude was a absolute racist. The hispanic lady's mother, or Johnny's mother-in law, needed help to transfer money and Kmart had a Western Union. The manager didn't know there was a Western Union inside Kmart. When I showed him the sign outside, he then blatenly freestyled (freestyle as in impromptu, not rapping) that he Western Union was not working. Then the lady started cursing in Spanish and then I told the family to go to some drug store for money transfer.
-Around 5am, some female Kmart employees who are opening the store thought I was drunk when I parked my car in front of the store. I told them what I do and they didn't believe me. They were also discriminting.
I'm gonna be up there for another week. I'm staying at one of my uncle's house up there. He has a widescreen TV that 50 to 60 inches I think. Plus the HD channels are no fucking joke. I'd find myself in the ER if I ever see Jackie Johnson in 1080p again. He also has NBA TV. They played the 2001 NBA All star game. That was one of the GREATEST all star game or any professional sports games I've ever seen. Basically that was the only good thing that I ever did when I was up there last week. It had everything. A.I. at his prime, Chris Webber with the Kings (or Queens), McGrady when he was good with Orlando, Kobe with the afro and his adidas kicks, man I can go on for days. I wanna see this entirety on DVD or hell, the iTunes store.
and as for Johnny, I'll leave that to El Debarge to find out
the Big Kmart next to my post. Typical Antelope Valley.
My uncle's HD flat. Kobe was 22 there and he just won a NBA title.
Two of the then top leading scorers who would meet in the Finals in a couple of months later.
My uncle's neighborhood
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