Back when I got a Macbook when it came out in 2006 I started taking advanage of the free trial of it's then .mac service. That feature included a program where you can create your own website. So I started doing that. And this was in September of that year mind you. I was fresh out of high school and, this a was a time before anyone had an iPhone, before anyone knew that a black guy would NEVER have a shot at the whitehouse and before Chad Johnson of the Cincinnati Bengals legally, yes legally, changed his name among other things. Unfortunately, after I moved back to the valley from staying in Oxnard for the summer, my parents confiscated my laptop for a month, thus letting the trial run out. After I got it back a month later, I completely forgot about my website.
That was my first attempt, my second attempt was last year back when I turned 20 last march. I got the .mac service again, except this time it was for one full year cause I worked at the Apple store during that time. I started the website again, which looked really great. Had picutres I took and a section of my thoughts. What happened to it? A couple months later, about a few weeks after I stopped working there, I kinda lost interest on working on the site. Plus the economy was worsening at that time. So I had to let that go.
Then I relyed on Twitter In January of 2009, the day the Barack got inagurated, to express my thoughts on certain things that are happening. I created it because my original Facebook got deleted thanks to some jailbait who snitched on me to the site's security department. I had a Twitter before news anchors and substitute teachers got one. Now that site is being overdone everywhere. The other disadvantage to it is that you had to say what you want in less than 140 characters. That's like writing in essay contest for "why do you want to go to a sleep over with Demi and Selena" (I could go to hell for writing that). So therefore I took some time to think about my next motive to express my thoughts and concers cause thats the thing everybody is doing now other than sociology class.
July 1st means a lot to me. We're halfway through the year, a lot of new laws are being put to place in various states, my friend Jade is now legal, I joined Facebook back in July 2007 (that was my original profile. I created a new one which I rarely go on) , I created a Flickr last year on July 1, 2008 ( it better not be deleted just because I don't have a Flickr Pro account), and now I have this site. Let's see how long this lasts.
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