This past few days have been absolutely crazy in terms of being busy. I haven't gotten a chance to stop and relax for a bit. I even tried to be internet sober for 12 hours last Friday, but instead, I winded up doing some work at my Pops house in Granada Hills by cleaning the yard and some interior housework. Later on, I spent the rest of the time to kill by finishing up the Toy Story 3 DVD that Pops got the week before to play for the kids at his Thanksgiving party.
After watching the film, I gotta admit, that shit was VERY funny. Yes, the ending was kinda somber for those who've seen and understand the first two films in theaters like myself, but I DIDN'T SHED A DAMN TEAR LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE DID. The film was pure comedy. Hell, I was laughing throughout some, if not, most parts of the film. Now I totally regret not watching it in theaters this past summer, especially in 3D. But at least I didn't have to deal with the fucking kids screaming and the high school dipshits talking/texting inside the theater during the screening, another reason why I don't go out to cinemas that much.
Speaking about nostalgia, Facebook is now having this weird cause where you have to post a cartoon character to raise awareness for children who are victims of child abuse. Here's the exact quote of this whole shit.
"Change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same. Until Monday, there should be no human faces on facebook, but a stash of memories. This is for eliminating violence against children"
To me, that's just an excuse to let everyone in the whole world know what guilty pleasure animated show you used to watch back in the day without being totally embarrassed. Plus the whole cause makes no sense at all. Whoever started it needs to get their ass kicked, or has gotten their ass kicked in the past which him or her create this awareness cause. I mean why cartoon characters? Why not just post up baby pictures of ourselves instead, but that won't happen because at least half of Facebook's demographic are too lazy to scan pictures. I don't like to be biased, but I've seen it happen. This thing is supposed to go on until the end of tonight, but I won't be surprised if people kept their favorite cartoon characters up after the end of this month. As much as I love to bring up the past many times, you can't always live in it in the present. Once it gone, its fucking gone.
So y'all wanna talk about animated nostalgia, all right then. Here's my throwback profile picture for this ridiculous cause that I put up for a few hours.

Original 1991 Jetsons: The Movie VHS. You can't find this videotape anywhere nowadays, except a used copy on eBay. Way long out of print. That, along with The Flintstones were one of THE BEST cartoons in the history of the world, and its a fact. They were what The Simpsons are today back when those two shows debuted, by airing on Primetime television after dinner. Hanna-Barbera owned the entire Saturday Morning industry by shitting on Disney and Warner Bros. (who were also decent) back in 60's, 70's and 80's. I did it for the hell of it just cause everyones profile pictures kept grewing on me, and to use as an excuse to not feel embarrassed. But in terms of child abuse, sadly, nobody in this world is perfect and everyone was raised differently, otherwise I'd use this unorthodox photo of Dr. Phil McGraw as my profile picture instead.

Alright, enough about my childhood before I get too caught up being stuck in the 1990's again (which I don't really mind that much). I just wanted to get that out of my mind. Twitter is doing the same shit with celebrities abandoning their updates on their profiles until the cause that they're supporting raises One Million Dollars to fight and prevent AIDS being spread in Africa and India. Now, at first, I'm all for that and shit, but did they REALLY have to go as far as having popular A-list celebrities "dying"? Haven't we learned something from 2009?
Everywhere I go in conversations, people say that so many celebrities that year has passed away than any other year. You're not supposed to fuck with death, or pretend with it. I was surprised that movie Death at a Funeral was premiered at the beginning of this year. I'm sure the movie must've been green-lighted prior to 2009, but they should've at least re-wrote the script or changed the title. Then again, its a recession since movie studios can't afford to do production all over again and controversy creates cash. Why can't each of the stars just used their millions of their own money? Or hell, even most of the bankrupt-proof corporate big wigs and that rich asshole Mark Zuckerburg just donate to that cause in which the total amount will QUADRUPLE, TRIPLE, DOUBLE the amount totaled that, the site running this cause, will reach. Here's one of the advertisements for this.

Looking at this really gives me the chills. Speaking of Kim Kardashian, I met her again for the ninth time last Thursday.
First and foremost, MAJOR thank you shoutout to my homeboy Ryan Castro for hooking me up with this again. I was gonna skip this, but apparently he managed to tag me along with him. It was a book signing event for their book Kardashian Konfidental at the Borders at Westfield Century City mall. I saw Kim there twice earlier this year, but I think they should've held this at a larger Borders like the one in Westwood just a few minutes northwest of Century City, or even the one at Northridge, or shit, even at the Barnes and Noble at the Grove, where alot of famous people go to do their book signings which take place like almost every week. The line for this event was, without reason, the LONGEST craziest motherfuckin' line I've ever seen, for a book signing. The line was so wild, that they had to make four different lines just to get their book signed. There were people who stayed since Borders closed the night prior to this so that they can be the first ones to meet her and her sisters.
When we got there, there were a lot of people in line that I recognized and remembered from previous Kim Kardashian meet and greets, lots of people. Shit felt like a class reunion. Plus I met some new people and left the mall with a lot of contacts from some hot females as usual, including Cindy Martinez from Channel 22, a Spanish television station here in Los Angeles. Damn, she is FINE as fuck, and I hate to say it but she outdid the Kardashians in looks and attention that night. There were like three media photographers at least hitting on Cindy Martinez while Kim, Kourtney and Khloe were posing for the camera as they came out. Again, another terrific night. Here are some photos.

Cindy Martinez could easily be the fourth lost Kardashian sister. I really wanna do her.

Despite what their book states, this is what made Kim and her family famous. Nothing absolutely wrong with it.

Money shot of the night.

what 1,400 people skipped class and work to stand in line for that day.
Anyway, I gotta get back to work editing more photos. I really don't wanna stop blogging and writing more posts. By the way, shoutout to the USC Trojans football team (who, according to the book that Kim's father went to school at and their family friend OJ Simpson played at, but I knew that the whole time) for creating an upset at Pasadena against UCLA last night and also by going through another unusual season. One more to go by in 2011 and after that, its back to the BCS again.
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