This is somewhat of a disclaimer.
This is one of the reasons why I always find myself writing about a celebrity or posting a photo on here (which majority of the time is a photo I never shot unless it says JUSTFORSNEAKS ENT. on it) about them. I usually write the events that happened towards myself, but since this month is very slow, I decided to keep this site alive by writing about some interesting current events from my perspective. In fact, this month is so slow that I only took three photos this month. Yes, THREE freakin' photos. Two at Topanga mall on July 1st with a friend of mine, and one of this squirrel on top of a trash bin at Pierce College last week. I usually would've gotten 150 at least by now for this month, but this is pretty much a break from all the crazy events I had to do last month.
Again, to keep this short, I know majority of you don't follow up with celebrity news cause its very obvious that the stars always wind up in some sort of trouble that land thems in court, which TMZ has emphasized this brand of journalism from the past five years. Its coincidental cause one of their first news stories was the Mel Gibson DUI incident from 2006, where he said some inappropriate antisemetic stuff towards the Jewish community to the officer that stopped him after being under arrest.
Fast forward to the present, Mel Gibson is now in trouble again cause he was accused of physically abusing his Russian-American model girlfriend. She recorded both their telephone conversations which the press got a hold of. I wasn't interested in this story at first but after I heard the audio file of the recorded conversation from a link that some random person posted up on Twitter, I couldn't tell if he was rehearsing a screenplay for his next film role or if shit was legit. From the tone of his voice, the dude was going off and I mean he was lashing out to his girlfriend on the phone. He said some to her stuff that would make a guy cry, except me cause I heard some terrible shit people said to me in the past and I'm used to it already.
Bottom Line, Mel Gibson is a celebrity. Celebrities fuck up alot in real life. Therefore, Mel Gibson done fucked up and there were signs that proved it. After hearing the audiotape and the headline of this mess, now we all know what women don't want. A man whose brave enough and has the heart to unleash lethal words and use their parts of the body as weapons. In the end, payback will be a bitch for him.
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