Friday, May 31, 2013

That Was Yesterday

Today is almost over, including the month of May heading into June. Since is almost tomorrow as I'm typing this on May 31, I'll talk about what I did yesterday since I feel like sharing it... in one liners.

- that Thursday started with a phone call from one of my good friends as I woke up (thanks Carol)

-I never ever like to discuss about the people I pick up and give lifts to, but I had a interesting talk, with a Jewish doctor that I picked up, about how everything has changed in certain parts of the Valley and some of the businesses that got affected by the recession.

-Took a customer from Sherman Oaks to Santa Ana, which was the most expensive ride I've ever gotten so far in the three months I've been doing this... and the bloke paid in cash.

-Drove a few miles to Newport Beach and had a basic, interesting lunch at the Yardhouse in Fashion Island for the second time since December 2011.

-Went to the Apple Store at the same mall (which has a very high ceiling) and copped me a Belkin anti-glare screen protector and a Nike case for my iPhone 5.

-Cruised on the Pacific Coast Highway (speed limit was 60 MPH) and stopped at one of the beaches in Huntington Beach to take some quick photos.

-took the 710 Freeway straight up to Alhambra from Long Beach with some stop and go traffic every now and then.

-Since I was in that area, I drove up Fair Oaks Ave and decided to check out the Phil Jackson Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success book signing that was taking place at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena, which isn't that far.

-Found a open parking space next to the Target on Colorado and Oak Knoll Avenue (which is uncommonly rare in downtown Pasadena) and its just very close to the bookstore

-I though the books were sold out when I got there 30 minutes after Phil Jackson started signing, but the store had several in stock, and I bought one since they said that I can still get it signed.

-The line was long, but that shit moved VERY QUICKLY. The whole experience and meeting the Zen Master was short and fast as he signed my book.

-The store originally prohibited photography of Phil Jackson signing his book, but at the last minute, Vroman's Bookstore management were loose and cool about it, so I took only three photographs of Coach Jackson and left.

-Jetted onto the 210 Freeway back home to find that my sisters came over to spend a few days at my pops' house, which is not bad.

-Had a deep discussion with the siblings and reflected on how far we gotten so far in our lives.

-Made some phone calls to catch up on some of my other homegirls who I haven't heard from in a while to finish up the day.

-and I didn't even have to use an AK.

I wish everyday was like this all the time, but time eventually moves on. Tomorrow, my cousin graduates from Loyola High School, and he is the youngest in my immediate family. I remember when it was at least 5 years ago that him and my other cousins and siblings were starting high school, but they are all now almost half way through with their under graduate college life. Show how fast time has gone through. Another thing tomorrow (or today if you're just reading this after having another overrated hangover from the night before) is that Primitive will be launching not only their Summer '13 collection , but they also have a brand new website with focuses on the Primitive Apparel brand and lifestyle. Going to be interesting to see what surprises that they have this summer, as always. Here's the link Primitive Apparel

Thanks for your time reading this and have a great month of June without the gloom.

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